Jody Craft


With nearly three decades of telecommunication experience, from the boardroom to the backhoe, Jody Craft brings unique abilities, insights and energy to LiveOak Fiber as its president. A U.S. Air Force veteran, he has led teams in all aspects of the telecommunications industry, including product and technology strategy, network operations, complex product management and general management.

Craft’s industry accomplishments include leading the development, build and operations of the industry’s first global wholesale and retail MPLS service platforms and overseeing engineering and network operations functions for one of the original six national internet backbones.

In 2015, Jody co-founded a telecommunication consultancy, Ronin Technology Advisors, which has helped more than 10 FTTx Service Provider owners and executives develop and execute successful business plans.

Before joining the LiveOak Fiber leadership team in 2022, Jody served as CTO of Ritter Communications, Head of Operations at Budget Prepay Inc., and Executive Vice President of Global IP Development at Deutsche Telekom (T-Systems).
