Not All Fiber Is Created Equal
On The Forefront Of Fiber
Learn How Liveoak Fiber Is Building Better Internet.
When it comes to the internet, fiber is the gold standard. It offers lightning-fast speeds and unmatched reliability, making working from home, streaming, gaming, and staying connected a breeze. However, not all fiber internet providers have the same standards and commitment to quality as LiveOak Fiber.
We understand how important it is for our customers to have access to fast and reliable internet service! Our goal is simple: provide our customers with an unparalleled internet experience.
Fiber, Fine Tuned
At LiveOak Fiber, we’re not just providing fiber internet; we’re dedicated to bringing customers the fastest and most reliable fiber internet. Here are just a few major things LiveOak Fiber is doing to ensure our customers have the best internet experience!
Here is how we are changing the game with better internet.
Being a Florida-based company, we understand how frustrating it can be to have an internet outage due to weather conditions. That is why we bury 100% of our network. Buried fiber cables are immune to the typical weather damages that cause internet outages, making it 10x more reliable than aerial fiber! With underground fiber, you’ll never have to worry about wind or storms slowing you down.
At LiveOak Fiber, we’ve built our network using only pure optical fiber technology throughout each phase, from our customers’ homes to the core. This makes our internet faster, more reliable, and scalable because fiber is the most efficient way to transmit data.
LiveOak Fiber is committed to bringing our customers the best service possible, which means we are constantly expanding and improving our network. We’ve already served thousands of customers in the southeast and are continuing to expand into new communities every day!

Our Commitment To You
To build a better internet, we had to start from the ground up. First, we asked internet users what was important to them. Then, we looked at other internet providers and asked, “how can we do it better?” We came up with three key areas: internet speed, price transparency, and customer support.
No matter your plan, you’ll always have access to the fastest internet speed possible.
Our pricing is always transparent, and you’ll never have to worry about hidden fees, capped data, or overage charges.
Every customer receives five-star service from a local team.
Fiber Internet For Better Business
Fiber internet has become the go-to choice for businesses of all sizes. It offers blazing fast speeds, reliability, security, and unparalleled scalability. With these benefits, it’s no wonder that so many companies are making the switch to fiber!
Give your business a competitive advantage and enjoy better performance from a local team you can trust. Check out our business plans and make the switch to fiber today.